
Stop Coal. Protect the Climate!

By Bike

Cycle to Ende Gelände 2016

Group transport to Ende Gelände seems unquestionably needed to help provide the feeling of being part of a wider group. Leaving from different places in Europe, we will cycle in groups and connect along the way, showing the feasibility of long distance cycling, a mode of transport that isn’t heavily based on fossil fuels. The intention is to promote clean and slow travel, providing space to learn and discover our land and those who inhabit it.

At each stop, we will meet, discover and show solidarity with communities promoting positive social change. Workshops and trainings will prepare us for Ende Gelande and beyond. As bees on bikes, we hope to connect our movements and pollinate change in order to strengthen our community fighting for global justice.

Rides are leaving from the UK, Sweden, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria and maybe more, reaching the Lausitz Climate Camp all together on the 12th May. The community spirit is one of our main focuses that is leading us to take action for a more just and sustainable world. We will draw Red Lines along the way at ”places of interest” that do not fit those criteria. United, we will stand up for what we believe in, and shut down what we don’t.

More information can be found on the website: http://www.cycleeg2016.org/

And you can get in touch via info@cycleeg2016.org

Get on board for part of the ride or the whole thing!